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I’m a mix media abstract painter, with a background in Graphic Design, my work blurs the lines between structured and organic. My intuitive paintings feature geometric shapes, patterns, mark making, and a variety of textures, creating movement and emotion through purposeful color combinations.

What inspires you to create?

Emotion is my strongest driver.

A sad day.
A happy day.
A trip I took.
A song I heard.
A desire for something.

Each piece created, every mark I make reflects a specific moment of time that I’m trying to articulate. Painting is my visual journal.

What advice would you give to people looking to express their creativity?

Begin now.
Let go.
Just do it.
Just be.

How does your art connect with people?

One of the interesting things about creating something for people is knowing that the work came from me, but it’s not me, but hangs on walls in their homes and that now somehow we are connected by that piece.

Does that makes sense?

It’s a bit surreal!