Jo Anderson Art

I am an IT Professional with a love for art. So much of my life reflects what some may call ‘dissonance’ – aren’t we supposed to be either “left brained” or “right brained”? We’re asked to label ourselves as strictly cerebral or wholly artistic. I think we limit ourselves to engaging in both arenas. I believe that middle ground is our most interesting place. The tension that comes from embracing our fullest self-expression doesn’t create dissonance, but rather a complex harmony. We’re not simple, and I don’t think we really want to be. That is the place I create from.
What inspires you to create?
I am most inspired by the artists that produced works during the Abstract Expressionism era. This era emerged after the Second World War and we see a movement of individuals that threw classical techniques out the window and started to paint based on feeling and emotion.
I reflect on their stories and works and see a group of people who took their craft to a new level of connectivity and wholeheartedness. What’s more beautiful and alluring than raw human expression on display for us to witness and use to reflect on ourselves?
What advice would you give to people looking to express their creativity?
You may look around and see people that you would deem as ‘an artist.’ Question that reflection and if you those comparisons keep you on the bench. There is no right way to express yourself creatively. I think it’s about leaning into what interests you and claiming the space to explore it.
How does your art connect with people?
I think my art connects with people because it feels accessible. I think that is largely because of who I am as a person. I am not classically trained. I just do things that sound interesting and I do it first and foremost for myself.
I think it can feel inspiring to see an Average Jo(e) (pun intended!) stepping into something with confidence and freedom – with or without having ‘earned it’ through a degree or past experience.
Some people may ask, “what gives you the right?” but I hope more reflect and respond with, “I want to try!”