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Celebrating Lunar New Year with Manufacturing Partners



To mark Lunar New Year in 2020, Hallmark continued a tradition set forth the year before by printing cards for those who help us make cards. Hallmark printed more than 2,000 Lunar New Year cards and gave them to workers at QP Printing, a supplier with facilities in China and Vietnam. The cards were printed with respective Chinese and Vietnamese sentiments for the employees in both countries as a way to show gratitude for their work. 

“The response to the cards was overwhelming,” said Sam Inwood, the product integrity and engineering director at Hallmark’s Hong Kong office. “Many of the workers have never been on the receiving end of a greeting card, even though they print them for a living, so they were very appreciative of the gesture.” 

Hallmark first introduced this program in 2019 with Chinese New Year cards for one of its suppliers in China.

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