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Care for Our Community 2021-22


Giving back to the community has long been at the core of Hallmark’s vision of creating a more emotionally connected world by making a difference in every life, every day. Through our philanthropic efforts, we are caring for the communities where our people live and work.

In 2021, Hallmark recorded more than $8.5 million in total charitable contributions enterprise-wide. Volunteers across all Hallmark businesses donated more than 30,000 volunteer hours to their communities.

“Hallmark’s culture of philanthropy remained strong in 2021 as the company and our employees continued to generously give back to their local communities,” said Amy Winterscheidt, Hallmark’s community involvement director. “The need is great, whether it’s monetary support, product donations, or simply the gift of time—the giving spirit of Hallmark and its people always inspires us to rise up and meet the need.”

Through organized events that allow employees to collectively make a difference to personal creative projects supporting families in need, Hallmark’s long tradition of corporate philanthropy aligns with the company’s efforts to make the world a more caring place.

Download THE 2021 CRR Facts + Figures

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2019 REport














Hallmark Employees Donate More Than 30,000 Volunteer Hours to Local Communities  

UN SDGs + Hallmark CSR Goals:
Quality Education / Sustainable Cities + Communities  /  Arts + Culture / Family + Kids

Hallmark employees have always embodied the Hallmark spirit of giving and 2021 was no different. Enterprise-wide, employees donated more than 30,000 volunteer hours to their local communities with a monetary value of more than $827,000.  

“I’m always impressed by Hallmarkers and their commitments to the causes they’re passionate about,” said Amy Winterscheidt, Hallmark’s community involvement director. “From our top leaders to our corporate employees to our plants, our people care deeply about their communities with many giving back year after year to the organizations closest to their hearts.” 

Civic leadership is one of the many ways Hallmark leaders give back. In fact, every corporate officer and nearly 90 percent of senior managers reported involvement in their local community in 2021, totaling more than 5,500 volunteer hours. At Crayola, all leadership council members donated to United Way in 2021, and all of Hallmark Media officers served on nonprofit boards. 

In 2021, Hallmark matched 29 leaders with significant volunteer roles in the community, ranging from board positions and advisor roles to executive sponsors of corporate-run volunteer events—an increase from 2020. 

Hallmark also offers a Volunteer Involvement Pays (VIP) program that rewards employees by giving grants to qualifying nonprofits. In 2021, Hallmark provided 191 grants for a total of $81,250 awarded to organizations that are important to our employees.   

Hallmark and Crayola Exceed Goal and Raise $2.4MM for United Way 

UN SDGs + Hallmark CSR Goals:
Quality Education / Sustainable Cities + Communities  /  Family + Kids

Hallmark and Crayola employees reached deep into their hearts in 2021 and raised an incredible $2.4 million for the United Ways of Greater Kansas City and Greater Lehigh Valley. Both brands remain among the top contributors to the United Way in their respective regions. 

“Our people continue to put more care into the world through their generous support of United Way,” said Amy Winterscheidt, Hallmark’s community involvement director. “The success of these 2021 campaigns will have a significant impact on our local communities.” 

Through employee donations and the company match, Hallmark employees in Kansas City donated $1.4 million to more than 15 local communities across the country—beating this year’s goal and exceeding last year’s pledge drive. Hallmark continues to be in the top five companies supporting United Way of Greater Kansas City. 

Crayola employees not only exceeded their 2021 goal, they also set a record in contributions to United Way of Lehigh Valley—generating $1 million for the first time ever. Crayola is one of only five companies in the Lehigh Valley to have a million-dollar campaign.  






















Hallmark, Crayola, Hallmark Media Fight Hunger Together 

UN SDGs + Hallmark CSR Goals:
Quality Education / Sustainable Cities + Communities  /  Family + Kids

Employees across the Hallmark enterprise joined together to fight hunger in the summer of 2021 with an enterprise-wide food drive. Collectively, all three businesses—Hallmark, Crayola, and Hallmark Media—donated 360,200 meals to food banks in ten cities through individual donations and company matches.  

“Nationwide, the demand for basic services remains high,” said Amy Winterscheidt, Hallmark’s community involvement director. “Hallmark, Crayola, and Hallmark Hallmark Media answered the call by linking arms to fight hunger in 2021. By working together, we were able to make a big difference.” 

In Kansas City, Hallmark headquarters and our outlying facilities, including our manufacturing facilities, partnered with Harvesters Food Network, Just Food, Alliance, Shelby County Outreach, and Open Arms Food Pantry. 

Crayola’s Easton, Pennsylvania, location supported Second Harvest and United Way Community Schools in the Lehigh Valley. 

Hallmark Media’s offices in Atlanta, Chicago, Denver, Los Angeles, and New York City each supported their respective nonprofits: Atlanta Community Food Bank, Greater Chicago Food Depository, Food Bank of the Rockies, Los Angeles Regional Food Bank, and City Harvest. 

In August 2022 Crown Media Family Networks was renamed Hallmark Media.

Corporate Social Responsibility and UN Sustainable Development Goals

Hallmark currently aligns to 5 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). in addition to key goals unique to our corporate culture. Please use the legend below in reference to goals tied to initiatives throughout our CSR Report.

Facts + Figures (2021 Outcomes)